Hinata no Ookami is a five-volume series by Saitou Misaki, published by Gentosha in Comic Birz. This story features Hijikata Toshizo in the early years of the Shinsengumi, when the factions lead by Serizawa Kamo clashed with those of Isami Kondo. Hijikata is often referred to as a “pretty boy”, lol. Sadly, the series went on hiatus after five volumes and the assassination of Serizawa. Recently, the five books have been re-relesed as two bunko editions.
It was popular enough to get two drama CDs released in 2005 and 2007, which covers the story until where it stopped at hiatus.
This series is not licensed in the US. Before it closed, Tokyopop did have another Saitou Misaki title, Totsugami (Foreign Gods) licensed for release in summer 2011.
In France, the series was licensed by KAMI as Le Loup de Hinata. The translation has some issues, but it’s worth the time to track it down, if French is easier than Japanese for you. It is currently out-of-print so it may be difficult to find. Please check out our forum topic for tips on buying manga from Europe.
Japanese Editions:
Volume 1 ISBN 4344804538
Volume 2 ISBN 434480533X
Volume 3 ISBN 4344806221
Volume 4 ISBN 4344807154
Volume 5 ISBN 4344808231
Bunko 1 ISBN 9784344812532
Bunko 2 ISBN 9784344812369
French Editions:
Tome 1 ISBN 9782351001523
Tome 2 ISBN 9782351001530
Tome 3 ISBN 9782351002414
Tome 4 ISBN 9782351003176
Tome 5 ISBN 9782351004029